To inspire you to live your best life in Christ.
A vibrant community passionate about connecting, growing and serving in Christ.
Worship: At ACN you will experience an engaging worship service. Our music is upbeat and contemporary glorifying God by expressing freedom in worship.
Accountability: We seek to build Kingdom affinity that encourages and uplifts Christ-followers by developing relationships with God and each other. We accomplish this through mentoring and small group ministries.
Service: We, as the Church, work to embrace our community. We believe we best accomplish this by reaching out to all cultural groups with the love of Christ Jesus.
The mission of the Church of the Nazarene is to make Christlike disciples in the nations. Organized in 1908, the denomination is now home to about 2.5 million members worshiping in more than 29,000 local congregations in 162 world areas. We believe that God offers everyone forgiveness, peace, joy, purpose, love, meaning in life, and the promise of heaven when life is over by entering and experiencing a relationship with God through Jesus Christ. We are called to take this message to people everywhere.
Worship with Us
Sundays at 10 AM
In person and streamed live online
Click here to access our weekly bulletin
Sundays at 9 AM
Adult Sunday School — Student Ministry Center w/ Daron & Zoe Kersten
Youth - Middle & High School — Young Adult Lounge w/ Pastor Dusstin
Early Childhood and Nursery — Room 204 w/ Mary Robertson & Gail Harris
A Study on Advent — Room 402 w/ Andy & Dana Heard
Tuesday Morning Ladies Group at 10:30 AM — Room 401 w/ Myrna Ethier
Wednesday Nights
Early Childhood and Nursery 6:45-8 PM — Room 204 w/ Fay Warfle, Karyn Proehl & Amanda Dingley
Children K-5th 6:45-8 PM — Room 403 w/ Pastor Nico
Youth Group 6th-12th 6:45-8 PM — Student Ministry Center w/ Pastor Dusstin
Young Adults 7-8 PM — Young Adult Lounge w/ Jason & Kristy Roberts
Rest & War for Men 7-8 PM — Room 401 w/Daron Kersten
Journey Through the Book of James for Women 7-8 pm — Room 404 w/Pastor Ronda
If you’d like to donate to Apopka Calvary, please do so by clicking “Donate”. We appreciate any donation you can make!