Women’s Spring Retreat
March 7-8, 2025
Spring Retreat
Friday March 7 - Saturday March 8, 2025
Cost is $120 for Double Occupancy
$140 for Single Occupancy
Payment plan is available! $40 Deposit plus $40 per month.
Registration is limited. Secure your spot today!
Warren Willis Camp & Conference Center
4900 Picciola Road
Fruitland Park, FL 34731
Are you Ready?
A weekend retreat to restore a woman’s soul.
Join us.
Cost includes three nights lodging.
Friday evening finger foods or bring your own meal. Saturday-Sunday meals include breakfast, lunch and dinner. Monday includes breakfast only.
Some snacks and drinks provided throughout the weekend, but bring any favorites you may want.
There is a non-refundable $125 deposit at the time of registration.to secure your spot.
The remaining balance is due in full no later than Sept 1, 2023.
Early Registration with the discounted registration price ends Aug 1. Regular registration ends on Aug 15
Lodging is double-occupancy in air-conditioned motel-style accommodations. Each room has a shower, sink, mini fridge, dresser, desk and 2 beds.
Feel free to share your desired roommate at registration.
While this is called a “boot camp” there will not be forced physical activity! However, we will participate in games and activities that may include some moderate physical activity.
All bootcamp teaching sessions are indoors, air-conditioned, and comfortable.